Pictures from our First Holy Communion class

Thank you to our First Holy Communion class for these beautiful pictures as they get ready to receive the sacrament for the first time on Sunday 2nd June at 1.00pm.
Please remember them, their families and our catechists in your prayers on this very holy and special occasion.

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CAFOD Clifton newsletter- Pentecost Issue AVAILABLE NOW!

It's been a busy few months for CAFOD Clifton and supporters have been doing lots of work in their schools and parishes, not only to raise money but to raise awareness of the issues of global poverty. All of this and more can be read about in the latest CAFOD Clifton newsletter, which is available to download from

The next issue which is going to be both a paper and electronic version is published in September in advance of Harvest Fast Day on October 4th. If you would like to receive a copy either by post or electronically please send an email to or ring the CAFOD Clifton office on 0117 9 428 328t