CAFOD's Walk Against Hunger Lent Challenge

There are 200 million children in the world whose lives are at risk from malnutrition. This Lent, challenge yourself to walk 200km, and help give hunger its marching orders.

Do 5k a day, your way, for 40 days, get sponsored and you’ll conquer your 200km target in time for Easter – and help people around the world to live free from hunger.

To take part, go to

Free Online Event - What is God Saying?

 You are invited to join Fr. James Mallon, Bishop Robert Barron, and Revd. Nicky Gumbel for a conversation on ‘What is God Saying to the Church?’ March 2022 marks two years since the pandemic hit much of the world. What is God saying to the Church throughout the last two years? What have we learned? What should be our focus moving forward?  

As we slowly emerge from the pandemic, we believe that we have an incredible opportunity to recommit our energies to finding new and old ways to evangelise. But there are important questions many are wrestling with: 

What is the most urgent call for the Church? 

What have the past two years revealed about the Church and how she is fulfilling her mission? 

What are we being called to repent of, to turn from, and to turn towards? 

 This is a FREE online event happening on Tuesday 1 March 2022 and starts at 6pm. 

How to sign up 

Find out more and register at:

The Clifton Evangelist

The Department for Adult Education and Evangelisation have streamlined their communication with a regular departmental newsletter “The Clifton Evangelist”.  Their first edition can be found at  They would like to encourage parishioners to sign up to their newly created social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Details of all future events or any items of interest will be made available here.  Any feedback is encouraged, please email your thoughts to