Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Website

Our church is open for the public celebration of mass.  All are wecome.  Please take a look at our latest newsletter for updated times/days. 

If you would like to make a donation to Our Lady of Lourdes church, please do so by clicking on the link below. Thank you for your continuous support.

World Mission Sunday - 20th October 2024

On 20th October, parishes worldwide celebrate World Mission Sunday. By supporting Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, we stand united as God’s global family, in prayer, solidarity, and action. We are called to ‘go and invite everyone to the banquet’ for the joy of Christ’s Resurrection is a gift meant to be shared with the entire world. Please pray for missionaries and give what you can to this vital collection, bringing God’s compassion, peace, and justice to those in need. To donate, use the
Missio envelope available in church, call 020 7821 9755 (office hours) or visit missio.org.uk to give a gift, set up a Direct Debit, and Gift Aid your donation if possible.  A retiring collection will be held in church on Sunday


CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day Appeal


On Sunday 6th October there will be retiring collection for CAFOD.  Daniel, a young man in Democratic Republic of the Congo, is carving a better future for his family with carpentry skills he learned in a CAFOD-funded training centre. Give to CAFOD today and you’ll fund training, tools, equipment and safe spaces so more people like Daniel can learn new skills and fulfil their God-given potential. Give in church (gift aid envelopes available) or online at cafod.org.uk/envelope


A Short Prayer

First Holy Communion 2025 - CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 4th November 2024

Applications are now open for
First Holy Communion 2025
for children who have been baptised
in the Catholic Church
and who are in Year 3 or above.  
If you wish your child to receive
First Holy Communion next year
please download the following:
  Letter to Parents  (important dates) and the  
 Application form which has to be completed and returned to the Parish Office by 
Monday 4th November 2024.

Application forms are also available from the Parish Office, OLOL School Office 
and in Church on Sunday.

For more information please contact the Parish Office
  Tel: 0117 9498743   
Email: bristol.ourladyoflourdes@cliftondiocese.com

Rota for September - December 2024

The latest Rota is available below

Rota for September - December 2024 

Copies of the latest rota are available in the church.  If you are currently on any of the rotas please take a copy home or you can request for a copy to be emailed to you by contacting the Parish Office.

Sea Sunday 2024 - 14th July


Sunday 14th July is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea.  Seafarers and fishers play a vital role in all of our lives, but they often work in difficult, hazardous conditions.  

The number of crews abandoned by their employers is still at a record high.  Conflicts around the world are compromising their safety, and many are experiencing stress and poorer mental health.  

The special collection today is for Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea), the Catholic Church's official maritime agency.  It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually.  Stella Maris is dependent on voluntary donations, so please give generously.  To donate, please visit www.stellamaris.org.uk/donate or text 'SEA' to 70460 to donate £5.  Thank you.