Midnight Mass from Clifton Cathedral on BBC One
Midnight mass from Clifton Cathedral led by Bishop Declan, will be broadcast on BBC One at 11.45pm on 24th December.
Christmas Mass Times 2020
As such we are pleased to be able to offer additional masses over the Octave of Christmas, which all count as your commitment to the birth of Christ. Please attend on other days of the “Octave of Christmas” masses if you can, in order to spread the numbers of people attending throughout the nine days. Our mass times during the Octave of Christmas are as follows:
6pm on Thursday 24th December
10am on Friday 25th December
12pm on Saturday 26th December
9am on Sunday 27th December
10am on Monday 28th December
9.30am on Tuesday 29th December
10am on Wednesday 30th December
9.30am on Thursday 31st December
10am on Friday 1st January 2021
Christmas Mass Information
We have now finalised our plans for CHRISTMAS MASSES. Please read through the details below and pass this message on to anyone you know who will not see this online/newsletter message.
“Christmas will be very different for us this year and our Christmas Masses are no exception. We are not able to have the extra traditions like carol singing, booklets, candles etc that we are used to, and as sad as this is, our priority is to follow the regulations to keep EVERYONE safe. The essential act of worship, however, remains a constant for us to enjoy, so we are pleased to be able to offer several Masses during the 'Octave of Christmas' (Christmas Day to New Year's Day inclusive) which ALL COUNT as your commitment to the birth of Christ – they are all of equal importance.” – Fr Frank
We know that lots of people would prefer to attend Mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but we need to be very careful in keeping our Church and parishioners safe as we cannot have more than approx. 50-60 people safely inside Church. With the kind help of Canon Michael Fitzpatrick we are pleased to be able to offer additional masses over the Octave of Christmas.
Please attend on other days of the “Octave of Christmas” masses if you can, in order to spread the numbers of people attending throughout the nine days. These masses, which all count as your commitment to the birth of Christ, are as follows:
- Thursday 24th Dec (Christmas Eve) at 6.00pm
- Friday 25th Dec (Christmas Day) at
- Saturday 26th Dec at 12.00noon
- Sunday 27th Dec at 9.00am
- Monday 28th Dec at 10.00am
- Tuesday 29th Dec at 9.30am
- Wednesday 30th Dec at 10.00am
- Thursday 31st Dec at 9.30am
- Friday 1st Dec at 10.00am
In order to keep everyone safe and in line with government and diocesan guidelines, please observe the following:
- only attend Church if you do not have symptoms of Coronavirus, are not shielding for health reasons and have not been asked to isolate
- please bring a face mask/ face
covering with you and keep it on at all times whilst inside the Church
- observe social distancing with anyone
who is not in your household or support bubble, both inside and outside of
- use hand sanitiser on entry
- check in on arrival using our QR code
on your track and trace app or fill out a track & trace form
- For the annual gift to your parish
priest but there will be a basket ON ARRIVAL for any donations (there will be
no offertory collection made during Mass)
- Last but not least, please follow the instructions of the stewards, who will show you to your seat and guide you when it's time to receive Communion and to leave church.
Finally, it should be noted that there are no toilet facilities available in
the church at this time. Mass duration will be approx 30 minutes.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience or distress these new
measures may cause but we hope we can offer the gift of Safe, Holy Mass to as
many people as possible this Christmas season.
God bless you all,
Fr Frank & Fr Jim
Bishop Declan's Pastoral Letter for the First Sunday of Advent
Download and read Bishop Declan's Pastoral letter here or
View the video at https://vimeo.com/483625647
Or listen to the audio here https://soundcloud.com/clifton-diocese/pastoral-letter-for-the-first-sunday-of-advent-2020
Public Celebration of Mass Resumes
We look forward the the public celebration of mass which will resume from Thursday 3rd December at 9.30am. Thereafter, mass will be celebrated as usual on Sunday at 9am and on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.30am unless otherwise noted in the weekly newsletter. Please be mindful of all the safety measures that are still in place. A reminder has been published in the latest newsletter. Remember that during this time there is still no Sunday obligation so you can attend Mass at any of the time in the week. Please only attend mass if you are well and free of Covid-19 symptoms.
SVP Information Meetings (Zoom)
The meetings are as follows.
To attend email memberships@svp.org.uk to register and receive a Zoom meeting link.
Looking at the different ways that you may support one another
Tuesday 24th November 6pm
Wednesday 25th November 6pm
Kingswood Park Update & Short Survey
Throughout 2019 South Gloucestershire Council worked with the Friends of Kingswood Park volunteer group to develop an application for National Lottery funding to restore and regenerate Kingswood Park. The application was submitted in February 2020. However, because of Coronavirus all new applications for National Lottery funding were closed for this year whilst help was directed to heritage organisations.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund will re-open for funding applications from February 2021 and Friends of Kingswood Park are now preparing to re-submit their bid for Kingswood Park.
To ensure their application is up to date they would like to record how people have used and valued Kingswood Park during the Coronavirus lockdown and social distancing requirements. Tell them what does Kingswood Park mean to you now?
Please can you take a few minutes to complete their very short survey using this link - https://southglos.researchfeedback.net/wad2wm
Please share this with anyone you may know, the more responses received the better! Your feedback will inform Friends of Kingswood Park’s bid to restore Kingswood Park, ensuring they focus on the issues that matter most to you.
The survey is open until 31st December 2020.
Update from the South Gloucestershire Director of Public Health
Free Counselling for Individuals Shielding due to Covid-19
Bristol Mind is offering a specific free counselling for individuals shielding due to the pandemic. See more information below:
Praying Our Goodbyes - An Invitation to Remember those Who have Died
The month of November is the traditional month in the Catholic Church for praying for those who have died. We remember each and every one and in particular this year, we remember those who have died as a consequence of COVID-19.
Throughout November, the Diocese is inviting anyone who wishes to post a prayer
on their prayer wall to do so.
You can add your prayer by visiting the Clifton Diocese homepage here.
Future Bright - Support for those whose Work & Income have been affected by the coronavirus
To help people whose income or employment have been affected by the Coronavirus crisis, the eligibility criteria for Future Bright have been temporarily expanded.
Visit: http://www.westofengland-ca.gov.uk/future-bright/
Future Bright
offers FREE career coaching, training and support to help you develop the
skills and confidence you need to take your next step in your career.
All conversations are confidential, and focus on what you want to achieve – your coach will help you take your next step. Participation is always free, and fits around your current commitments. To learn more, read our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’.
South Gloucestershire:
Email future.bright@southglos.gov.uk or call 01454 866008
Covid-19 Update - Statement from the Catholic Bishops Conference
Please see the statement from Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference here.
The Government guidelines can be found here.
World Mission Sunday, 18th October 2020
In this time of international turmoil and uncertainty, World Mission Sunday is an opportunity for the global family of the Catholic Church to stand together in solidarity, prayer and faith.
Each parish throughout the world celebrates being part of a worldwide Church, giving what they can for the benefit of those most in need. We offer the hand of friendship and encouragement to our sisters and brothers in poorer countries, and to missionaries across the world, who are proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not yet heard it.
The needs of the Church in Africa and Asia are greater than ever. They ask for our prayers and support. Any help we can give them at the moment will make a huge difference to their lives and to the future of our Church.
Have a look at this uplifting video about the inspiring work of missionaries around the world : “We are still here” (Click to watch)
more information about the missionaries and their work visit the Missio website
Also, take a look at our new children’s activity sheets for every Sunday in October, which are available on the World Mission Sunday page www.missio.org.uk/wms
Pope Francis encourages us to hope and trust in
the Lord. In his message
for World Mission Sunday, he reminds us
that ‘in a context profoundly marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, we must
not be discouraged because mission is not the fruit of human capacity but
belongs to God. He sent his Son Jesus Christ and today he sends every baptised
Test & Trace
and tracing plays a key part in the ongoing coronavirus response. Rapidly detecting people who have come into
close contact with any Covid-19 case would enable the NHS take swift action to
minimise the transmission of the virus.
Test & Trace Forms In order to do our part to assist the NHS we have introduced Test and Trace Forms in order to maintain records of visitors at every mass and service in church. The information provided on the forms will be released to the NHS, only if required, and will not be used for any other purpose. Forms will be kept securely for 21 days after which it will be securely disposed of.
NHS Test & Trace App The NHS Test & Trace was launched on 24th September and is available to download for anyone over 16 years of age. This app is only available for smartphones. One of the app’s major features is a scanner which can scan QR codes at venues to let it keep track of places the user has visited. We have a QR code for our church and it is now displayed in various points in the church porch. Those who use the App will no longer need to fill in the form but just scan the code using the app before the enter church. Our stewards will be around to show you how it’s done, should you need any help.
download the App,
go to Android's Google
Play or Apple's App Store and search for "NHS
The handsets must have Android 6.0 (released in 2015) or iOS 13.5 (released in May 2020) and Bluetooth 4.0 or higher. That excludes the iPhone 6 and older versions of Apple's handsets. To get started, go to Android's Google Play or Apple's App Store and search for "NHS Covid-19". The handsets must have Android 6.0 (released in 2015) or iOS 13.5 (released in May 2020) and Bluetooth 4.0 or higher. That excludes the iPhone 6 and older versions of Apple's handsets.
Important information regarding the Numbers allowed inside the Church
The introduction of compulsory wearing of face masks whilst in church has allowed us to now follow the 1 metre plus rule. This will allow us to get more parishioners into the church and avoid having to use the porch.
We hope you all approve of
these changes and the benefits they bring.
Nevertheless, we still ask that
you be patient and remain in your seat until directed by one of the stewards to receive Holy
Communion to give others the space and time they need under the new measures, and then follow the one-way system to exit the church.
All these changes have been
approved by the diocese.
Face Masks Compulsory in Church
As of 8th of August, the Government has made the wearing of face masks in church compulsory, so please do your best to conform with this decision, if you decide to attend any mass or service in church.
Updated Information - Leaving Church after Mass
- When you have received Holy Communion please follow the arrows to leave the church as we are operating a one-way system. Please do not congregate in the porch as this will cause hold ups in the church and social distancing rules are broken. There is plenty of room in the carpark for a natter.
Re-Opening of Church for Mass - Update
Everyone who attended understood and observed the changes that were in place to keep people safe and were patient with the new way of worshiping. Thank you so much for your cooperation.
For this Sunday 19th July, we have made some changes to the safety measures we have in place for mass, keeping everyone's safety in mind.
1. Please wear a suitable face-mask while you are in church.
2. If you were with us last weekend, the way we exit church after mass has ended has changed,
so we ask that you kindly follow the instructions of the stewards.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Re-Opening of Church for Mass

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience these new measures cause, however we make these conditions in line with government and diocesan guidelines to protect the health of our parish and wider community. We hope you will understand and we hope you will be as happy as we are to start this careful and gentle return to worship.
Radio Broadcast of Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi on BBC Radio 4
Update on Re-opening of Church for Private Prayer
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School - Re-Opening & New Reception Class 2020
For more information, please contact the school directly on Tel: 01454 867160, Email: admin@olol.org.uk or visit their website
Pentecost Sunday - National Rosary Rally
Pope Francis is encouraging Catholics to pray the Rosary in their family homes during the month of May, especially when the Pandemic is making us aware of the value of our families and making it possible for us to pray together in lockdown at home. He encourages simple Rosaries and joining online Rosary initiatives to pray to Our Lady for deliverance from Covid-19 and he has composed two prayers for this intention. At some point between 1pm and 2pm join Bishop Declan and so many others around our Diocese in saying the rosary in your home, to pray for an end to the pandemic.
Click here to download the flyer
Special Newsletter from the Diocesan Safeguarding team
A Prayer in Times of Isolation - I'm staying at home, Lord!
you taught me that, remaining obedient to the Father, for thirty years in the house of Nazareth,
awaiting the great mission.
I learn to work, to obey, to round the corners of my life
and prepare a work of art for you.
is in the next room, doing chores and preparing lunch
for all of us, God’s family.
for the health of my city, of my loved ones, and for the good of my brother, whom you put beside me,
asking me to take care of in the garden of life.
be useful for small jobs, in order to make our house more beautiful and more welcoming.
trying not to spoil it and to welcome it with wonder, as a gift and a surprise from Easter.
in communion with you who made yourself flesh to live among us;
and, tired by the journey, thirsty, I will meet you at Jacob’s well, and thirsty for love on the Cross.
stay with us, the evening has arrived and the sun is setting.
I am with you every day. yes, and especially in these days of confusion, O Lord, in which,
if my presence is not necessary, I will reach everyone, only with the wings of prayer.
Letter from the Resound Foodbank
Foodbank Update