Parish Meeting, Wednesday 27th July

All parishioners are invited to a meeting which will be held 

in the Mazenod Centre (Parish Hall, 2 Court Road

on Wednesday 27th July starting at 7.00pm.  

There are some extremely important subjects up for discussion which will affect our future.  These include our efforts to assemble a truly Pastoral Committee and its terms of reference, and how as a parish we respond to the Synod report.  Father Jim will chair the meeting, and everyone encouraged to make every effort to attend.  

This is OUR PARISH, and this is your chance to help shape our future. 

Therefore, please make every effort to attend. Thank you.


Celebrating Canon Franks' 41 years of Service & Retirement

The Parish Communities of St Augustine of Canterbury and St John Fisher   invite the people of Our Lady of Lourdes, St Lawrence and St Paul to join them in celebrating 

Canon Frank Bermingham’s 41 years of dedicated service on the occasion of his Retirement.  This special Mass will take place 

on Sunday 21st August 2022, starting at 3pm 

in St Augustine’s Church, Boscombe Crescent, Downend, Bristol BS16 6QR 

& we will toast Canon Frank’s health & happiness together after the Mass, with refreshments in the School Hall.

RSVP to or 0117 983 3939 with numbers attending by Sunday 10th July or 

use the link below to book a place