'Use your body for the glory of God' 1 Corinthians 6:20
Every year on the last Sunday in July, the Church in England and Wales gathers together for 'Day for Life'.
Day for Life invites us to show respect for the dignity of our body in every moment of its existence, from conception to natural death. We also remember in our prayers all those in authority who care for and nurture life.
There will be a second collection in parishes to support Day for Life. Proceeds of the collection will be used to support the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and other life-related activities supported by the Church.
Day for Life Prayer
I thank you Lord for the precious gift of my body.
Whatever its strengths or limitations;
whatever it brings me in terms of joy or suffering, help me always to see it as your gift.
As I run the race of life, help me to have a healthy attitude to my body
and a reverence for its part in my eternal future.
Help me to give glory to you by treating my body and the body of others,
with care and respect.
As I marvel at the wonder of all of your Creation,
may the whole human family work together to protect creation
and especially the precious gift of human life, from conception to natural death.
Enable us by your grace to promote the well-being and dignity of every person,
serving you and the Gospel of life in a spirit of generosity, faith and love,
through Christ Jesus Our Lord.