Fr Matt Anscombe of our diocese has written a book called 'Don't Forget the Holy Spirit'. He shares personal testimony and considers the difference the Holy Spirit makes in our lives of faith. Further details and recommendations and a link to buy the book can be found on his website - it is also available on Amazon. Cost is £10 (+P&P).
An Evening of Prayer & Worship
on Friday 19th May
at St Patrick's Catholic Church, Netham Rd, Redfield, Bristol BS5 9PF at 6.00pm
Prayers, Music, Benediction, Communion, Dance
Pastoral Ministry Formation Courses - Information Evenings
The Loyola University Certificate in Pastoral Ministry and the Clifton Ministry Skills Programme, two in-depth courses in support of the need of the desire by laity to be more involved and the need for solid formation to give people the confidence to respond. The Diocese are now actively seeking to recruit for the next course which begins in September 2023. Ideal for ANY parishioner who seeks to develop their capacity to serve the parish in anyway which they believe the Lord is calling them. If you are a catechist – this course is for you. If you are a minister in any form – this course if for you. If you are not involved in any way but would like to be – this course if for you! Interested? – then go to one of our information evenings taking place around the Diocese in June to hear in more detail about the courses, content of both, time commitment involved and costs including the role of parishes to support those who take on either of the courses. Both take place part-time over 2 years and include on-going support/guidance from a committed team. Find dates/locations of information session on the poster or at
Come, Follow Me
This Eastertide we continue in Clifton Diocese to pray for vocations to the priesthood for our own diocese. Please watch Fr Stephen Corrigan of St Peter's, Gloucester talk about vocation and his own call to priesthood, about being a seminarian and now being a priest in a parish, as well as the joy and fulfilment in his life and ministry as one of our newer priests: go to
Priesthood - Fr Stephen Corrigan.mp4 from Clifton Diocese on Vimeo.