Advent Penitential Service

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Prepare for the Christmas Season by
celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the
Advent Penitential Service
Thursday 8th December at 7.30pm

All Saints Day & All Souls Day Mass Times

All Saints Day (Holyday of Obligation)
7.30pm on Monday, 31st October 2016
9.30am on Tuesday, 1st November 2016

All Souls Day
7.30pm on Wednesday 2nd November 2016 

Christmas Fayre

Parish Christmas Fayre

Saturday, 26th November 2016
in Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

Come along and visit Father Christmas in his grotto, get some Christmas bargains, enjoy the children's crafts and have some refreshments!

All welcome!

Raffle Tickets & 
Pots and Hanging Baskets filled 
with Autumn, Winter and Spring Flowering Plants
are available to buy in the Church Porch 
from Sunday 23rd October 2016
to raise much needed funds prior to the event.

Thank you for your support.
The Social Committeee

The Woodland Players present their 40th Anniversary Amateur Production

First Holy Communion 2018

Applications are now open for
First Holy Communion 2018
for children who have been baptised
in the Catholic Church
and who are in Year 3 or above.  
If you wish your child to receive
First Holy Communion 2018 
please download and complete 
the application form and 
return it to the Parish Office 
by Friday 20th October 2017.

Application forms are also available from the Parish Office, OLOL School Office 
and on the noticeboard in Church

For more information please contact the Parish Office
  Tel: 0117 9498743   Email:

No Mass on Thursday 12th May 2016

The 9.30am Mass on Thursday has been cancelled as the aisle carpets in church are being replaced.

Holy Week Services & Easter Mass Times

24th March - Holy (Maundy) Thursday
7.00pm  Mass of the Lord's Supper

25th March - Good Friday
11.00am Stations of the Cross
3.00pm  The Passion of the Lord

26th March - Holy Saturday
6.00pm  Easter Vigil

27th March - Easter Sunday
9.00am  Mass
6.00pm  Mass


Ash Wednesday 10th February 2016

Ash Wednesday

10th February 2016 

No Mass in Our Lady of Lourdes
Mass Times for 
Our Parishes in Communion 
9.30am at St John Fisher, Frenchay
9.30am at St Paul's, Yate
7.30pm at St Augustine, Downend
7.30pm at St Lawrence, Chipping Sodbury

Emergency Work in Church - Progress Report

Following a meeting with the Surveyor it has been found that extensive repairs to the ceiling and total redecoration of the church will be necessary. We have been advised that this work together with the erection of extensive scaffolding, redecorating and re-carpeting of the three aisles will extend the temporary closure of the Church until March.  

Therefore until further notice, up to and including 28th February 2016:

· The only Masses will be on Sunday and will be held in the school hall at 9am and 6pm.
· Funerals, baptisms and confessions will at either St. Augustine's Downend or St. Paul's, Yate.
· First Holy Communion Preparation which begins on 17th January will be held in the School Hall after the 9am Mass on Sunday.

Please note that a small repository table and food bank box will be set up each Sunday at the entrance to the school hall.

For more information relating to the temporary closure of Church please take a look at the Management & Finance Committee Minutes of Meeting held on the 30th December.
Mike Box, Chair, Finance & Management Committee