Our Lady of Lourdes feast day celebrations

We will be celebrating our patronal feast day with refreshments after both Sunday Masses on 9th February and our School will be celebrating Mass on Tuesday 11th February at 9.30am.

You are welcome to come and join us!

Job vacancies at Clifton Diocese

Clifton Diocese is looking to recruit two new members of staff!

For more information please follow this link to the Clifton Diocese website.

Patrick Michallat-Cox R.I.P.

We commend to God’s love and mercy Patrick Michallat-Cox who died on Saturday, 4th January.

His body will be received into our Church at 5pm, Wednesday, 22nd January and his Requiem Mass will be held here at 9.45 am on Thursday 23rd January.

Please remember his family and friends in your prayers at this sad time.