Face Masks Compulsory in Church

As of 8th of August, the Government has made the wearing of face masks in church compulsory, so please do your best to conform with this decision, if you decide to attend any mass or service in church.

Updated Information - Leaving Church after Mass

It was great to see the number attending Mass last Sunday had increased from the previous Sunday and long may this continue. Covid-19 has brought about several changes in the way we worship with restrictions on seating, sanitising your hands when entering to name just a couple.  

The way we exit the church is especially important as we must avoid breaking social distancing rules.  Therefore, it is essential that when leaving the church, you follow the protocol which is as follows:
  •        Those in the porch will receive Holy Communion first.  Then beginning from the back of the church, each row will be called out by a steward.  Please wait to be called before leaving your seat. Those who have mobility problems please stay in your seat and Father will bring Holy Communion to you.
  •       When you have received Holy Communion please follow the arrows to leave the church as we are operating a one-way system.  Please do not congregate in the porch as this will cause hold ups in the church and social distancing rules are broken.  There is plenty of room in the carpark for a natter.

These are difficult times and our main aim to keep everyone safe, so your 
co-operation will be much appreciated.  We look forward to the day when we can hold coffee mornings with a yummy breakfast, shake hands, hug or even kiss.  It will come, but when, is anyone’s guess.

Re-Opening of Church for Mass - Update

We had 30 people attend mass last weekend and it was lovely to see so many people back in church!

Everyone who attended understood and observed the changes that were in place to keep people safe and  were patient with the new way of worshiping.  Thank you so much for your cooperation.

For this Sunday 19th July, we have made some changes to the safety measures we have in place for mass, keeping everyone's safety in mind.

1.  Please wear a suitable face-mask while you are in church.

2.  If you were with us last weekend, the way we exit church after mass has ended has changed, 
     so we ask that you kindly follow the instructions of the stewards.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Re-Opening of Church for Mass

From Sunday 12th July, we are happy to announce that we will be open to celebrate Mass at our Church!

Our first mass will be at 9am on Sunday 12th July and Fr Jim will also be celebrating two weekday masses at 9.30am on Tuesday and on Thursday.  There will be various new safety measures in place in church and our stewards will be there to guide you.  Some things to keep in mind if you decide to attend mass are:

1.      We will be using the 2 metre social distancing rule so we ask that you remain at least 2 metres apart when inside the Church.   
2.      A one-way system has been implemented in church. 
3.      There are sanitizing stations at both the entry and exit.  Please sanitize your hands before entering and leaving.
4.      You will be shown to your seat in order to fit as many people in church as safely possible. 
5.      There will be no singing during mass.
6.      There will be no toilet facilities available.
7.      Communal items will not be used so please bring your own missal, if you have one.

There will be baskets for your weekly offering at the entry and exit.  Please be aware that we have lost a substantial amount of income, so your generosity will be much appreciated.

Please remember, if you have any symptoms which could be Covid related (high temperature, a new continuous cough and a loss of change to your sense of taste or smell), please do not enter the church.  Please return home and contact the NHS on 111 to get tested.

If you are vulnerable due to health reasons or if you are officially shielding we recommend you continue to fulfill your obligations by joining Mass online, remember that during this period there is no Sunday obligation and that Pope Francis invites us all to be part of Spiritual Communion during these difficult times.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience these new measures cause, however we make these conditions in line with government and diocesan guidelines to protect the health of our parish and wider community.  We hope you will understand and we hope you will be as happy as we are to start this careful and gentle return to worship.