Daughters of Divine Love - Mission Appeal Collection 3rd October

On 3rd October we will be holding an appeal collection for the Daughters of Divine Love Congregation who are putting Divine Love into Action.  From feeding the hungry, educating the needy, visiting the lonely, healing the sick, sheltering the homeless; committed to corporal and spiritual work around the world.  Collection baskets will be available in the porch.  You can also donate online by going to ofdivinelove.com.



CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY - Climate Crisis Appeal

CAFOD's local experts are helping people all over the world to adapt to climate change and protect our common home.  By donating to CAFOD this Family Fast Day, you can help communities affected by the worst impacts of the climate crisis.

Donate online through CAFOD website https://cafod.org.uk/donations/picker?defaultuniversaltype=single&_Appeal=124790 or by using a CAFOD envelope (available in church).  You can also easily give via text.  Text CAFOD10 to 70580 to donate £10* or choose to give any whole amount betwwen £1 and £20 by texting CAFOD, followed by the amount you would like to donate, to 70580.

Applications for Places in Primary School

Time to Start School? If you have a child born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018, then now is the time to apply for a place at a Catholic primary school in the Diocese. You must complete an application form (either online or on paper) that is available from the school admissions team of the South Gloucester Council, for admission during the 2022-23 school year. If your child has been baptised, you must also provide a copy of the baptism certificate to your preferred school. Please ensure you apply by the closing date of 15 January 2022.

Bishop's Video for School Governors

Governors video.mp4 from Clifton Diocese on Vimeo.

There are 62 maintained schools in Clifton Diocese, educating 21,673 pupils. They are supported by a ‘volunteer army’ of school governors, including 350 Foundation Governors appointed by Bishop Declan. The Bishop wishes to recruit new candidates to join the governing bodies, to help grow and sustain Catholic education in the Diocese for current and future generations, and so has produced a new promotional video where the Bishop and current governors and Headteachers, talk about the importance and value of school governors. If you would like to support catholic education and so would like to apply to be a governor, please complete the online application form https://schools.cliftondiocese.com/form-2 or contact Bill McEntee, Governance Officer via bill.mcentee@cliftondiocese.com or call 07710094976 for more information – he would love to hear from you!