How do I...?

Arrange a Mass for a specific intention?

Please complete the brown 'Mass offering' envelope (available in the Church Porch) with your intention, day or date preferred, time preferred, Name of donor, Telephone number, and amount enclosed. This envelope can be put into the Sunday offertory collection, posted through the Parish Office door (Mazenod Centre-side entrance by car park) or to the Parish Administrator.  If you would like a specific date, please could you allow at least 8 weeks notice for your Mass Intention or contact the Parish Office to check for available dates.  Otherwise, your intention will be said at the nearest possible Mass to your requested date.

Upon receipt of your envelope at the Parish Office, you will be contacted by telephone to confirm the date of your Mass intention.  Your envelope will be given to the Priest celebrating that Mass.

Arrange my child's baptism? 
"To be baptised is to become a Child of God, become a Member of the Church of Christ
share in the Death and Resurrection of Christ and become a Temple of the Holy Spirit."

If you wish for your child to be baptised in the Catholic Faith, please complete the Baptism Application Form and return to it the Parish Office  by e-mail at or by post to Parish Office, Mazenod Rooms, 2 Court Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 9QB.  You will then be contacted by the Parish Administrator who will confirm the date and time of the baptism with you.

You may be required to meet with our Priest or Deacon for preparation prior to the baptism.

Enrol my child for First Holy Communion Preparation?

Children who have been baptised in the Catholic Church and are in Year 3 (age 7/8) and above are welcomed to start their preparation to receive Holy Communion.  Applications for First Holy Communion Preparation usually open between September-November every year.  Please check for notices in the newsletter or on this website during this time.  

** Check the newsletter in September/October for 2025 programme**

Receive the sacrament of Confirmation?

Our Parishes in Communion for Mission have a joint celebration for the Sacrament of Confirmation once every 2-3 years.  Candidates must be baptised Catholics of secondary school age.  Please contact your Parish Priest or the Parish Office in September or check the newsletter for notices, if you wish to be Confirmed in the Catholic Church.  

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