Last Saturday's Parish Summer Fayre

A very big thank you to everyone who organised, ran a stall, helped and came along to support this year's Summer Fayre .

The disappointing 'English Summer' weather, meant many of the outdoor activities had to be cancelled this year but in typical 'keep calm and carry on' British spirit, the Fayre was held indoors....and a fantastic £2007 was raised for Parish Funds! 

Once again, thank you to everyone who helped to make this event such a success!  


  1. Fantastic news, so glad it went well.
    So sorry I missed the afternoon, I was really looking forward to getting there but Saturday got a little to busy.

  2. Well done to everyone concerned in raising a splendid amount of £2007, which is a terrific effort given the fact that all the outside activities had to be cancelled. Looking forward to doing it all again in November! Again, thanks to everyone.
