Chatting to Emily and Eve's Mum before Mass she
was telling me how they had been up late last night. They had all
been to the balloon festive and had got stuck in the car park for
three hours. The girls had been very concerned because they were so
excited about coming to church today and didn't want to miss church
and the opportunity to be an alter server.
There is something special about serving at Mass.
A server is dressed in a white alb, covering their day to day
clothes, setting them aside to do Gods work, to be holy reserved for
Christ, like the Chalice's they pass me. Over the next few months
they will learn more about there faith and what it is to be a server
in the Guild of St Stephen. I am overjoyed to see Emily & Alaina,
who were part of this years first communion programme, to see them
putting their faith into practice.
Well Done Girls and thank you.
If you would like to know more about being a
server at Our Lady of Lourdes the ask at Mass or drop me email.
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